Hi all,
This is my first tutorial which explain how to install OBPM 11g . This complete installation done in my personal Laptop with screen shots .
If my explanation wrong in this document , please correct me.
Before installation I like to explain why OBPM 11g ?
Now a days one of the most advance technology ( Cloud computing ) used every where, so in order to compote with PEGA , Oracle come up with latest features in OBPM 11g.
OBPM 11g mainly concentrate on SOA ( Service Oriented Architecture ) Environment , because most of the real time applications mainly works on Services .
( In simple words one application like to call some other application or services ).
Example : OBPM application require some input from external system or pass some information to external system to perform BPM Operations through SOA Environment( services ) .
Pre-request to install OBPM 11g :
RAM : Minimum 3 GB and Hard-disk Space : 15 GB
I tried many times to install OBPM 11g Environment in my Laptop most of the time failed due to insufficient data from Internet .
Finally I come up with my own tutorial this will help you to set OBPM 11g Environment in a matter of 3 Hours.
Please download the following Software from Oracle Sites :
1 . OBPM 11g ( Current version this tutorial will explain latest version .
1 .1 ) XE Databse 10g
1.2 ) Oracle weblogicServer + coherence ( Download generic version )
1.3 ) Repository Creation Utility
1.4 ) Jdeveloper
Jdeveloper Plugins
1.4 .1 ) SOA Extension
1.4.2 ) BPM Extension
1.5 ) SOA Suite Part 1 of 2
SOA Suite Part 2 of 2
once you download the installable file. Please follow the below steps to install OBPM 11g .
STEP ONE : ( If you already installed Databse 11g , please ignore XE database Installation )
Installing Oracle Database 10G XE( Express Edition )
Database Installation finished successfully!!
OBPM 11g Installation starts from here onwards.
Once the installation completed . please press windows key + R or Run .
Enter username : system
Password : ********
Enter the following command in SQL prompt
SQL > connect sys/****** as sysdba;
After connected to sysdba , please type the following command to alter the processes
SQl > alter system set processes=500 scope=spfile;
Why this command?
Oracle suggested to use Database 11g, but in our case we are using XE 10G database.
Above commands used to alter the process schema in order to install and support OBPM 11g (SOA suite). If you are using Oracle Database 11g (ignore).
Please Restart XE database service.
10 % Installation completed. Congratulations!
RCU (Repository Creation Utility) Installation:
Why RCU ?
Repository Creation utility mainly used to create database Schema to manage MDS ( Metadata service ).
In simple words rcu create table structure to maintain service which run in SOA Environment .
Set the following commands in cmd :
Please Press Ignore
Select SOA and BPM Infrastructure
Create password for schema
Now you successfully Installed RCU.
30 % of Installation finished!!!!
Use generic version of web logic
50 % of installation Completed !!!.
Installing SOA Generic Version :
Point your jdk location
Select the disk location one by one up to disk 5
Select the following domain configuration, very important
90 % of Installation completed successfully!!!!
98 % of Installation completed!!! , adding SOA and BPM plug-in
99 % installation completed successfully! Very few steps remaining to complete installation.
Starting Web logic ( base_domain ) server.
Server ready to serve your request and response.
Open your browser and type
100 % installation completed successfully, finally OBPM 11g ready to develop your applications.